Marketing is most important factor to increase lead and sale of your product or services, Marketing Promotion helps a business to reach door to door.

What is Marketing ? 
Marketing basically means the way of Communication between a Buyer and Seller, their are Traditional way of Marketing and Digital way of Marketing. 

Traditional way of Marketing includes TV Ads, Newspaper Ads, Hoarding banner, etc where as Digital way of Marketing includes Ads via digital method like Facebook Ads.

What is Marketing Promotion ?
Promotion is important part of marketing, it make people aware about the Brand. The main purpose of marketing is to make people aware about your brand. Marketing creates impact on Brand Value, via marketing people gets trust on the brand.

If you have created a Product but nobody knows about the product then how people will buy that product, here marketing comes in action by the Marketing Promotion people comes to know about product.

Types of Marketing Promotion 

1. Personal Selling
It is the technique of direct selling where sales man go to individual sell their product or services.
2. Sales Promotion
Sale promotion is trends where a Business give discount like  free coupons, limited time offer, 50%off. This sale promotion is used by big companies and also by shops to attract new consumer so their sale gets boost-up.
3. Direct Marketing
It is the form to marketing where companies directly call, mail to the consumer to buy their product or services.

4. Advertising
It is the another source of marketing where companies provide ads through Television, Newspaper Ads, Radio, and also by a digital source like YouTube, Facebook.

Here the another way of marketing through sponsorship, companies give sponsorship to the events, shows, movies, sports. In IPL or Filmfare you might have seen brand name is shone there that is called Sponsorship marketing.

6.Online Promotion
Online Promotion is one of the cheapest way of marketing, It is the digital form of promoting your brand. You can promote your brand through Facebook Ads or Google Ads, their are other services too in the market but most people recamends and use Facebook and Google.

Why should you Promote
Brand Promotion or Marketing Promotion is very important to get value and reach in the market, it increase your sale, build trust.

You might have seen some companies like Colgate, Dettol ads every time, thought everyone knows their brand but they promote ads because they want their brand to be recall everytime.

Increase Sale : Promoting brand will increase your sale ultimately their profit gets increased. 

Brand Awareness : Marketing Promotion helps in brand awareness, people get to know about the brand ultimately people will have more trust on your brand.


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